No matter what your reasons for reading this guide-and that includes you bored office workers attempting to find some sort of distraction-you will leave here enlightened! We're also going to provide you with instructions on how to create and load your own “config” file that will offer varying levels of performance based upon your specs. We're going to provide you with several console and command line tricks that will help you squeeze the most performance out of the Source engine. Well, thanks to this guide you will suffer no more! Despite the fact you’ve cranked your settings to low, you wish there was some way you could eek out just that extra frame or two of performance. At least, you would be were it not for your Geforce 2 card that keeps your frames in the single digits. Instead you’re a hardcore multiplayer schooling everyone in Half Life 2 Deathmatch or Counter Strike Source. Only one problem, you wish that there was some way you could skip those annoying intro credit movies each time you load up the game. So you’ve been playing Half Life 2 along with its recently released expansion and you’ve enjoyed every waking moment you’ve spent with them.